MODULE 1: Use of computer language tools:
Yoruba and African language keyboards
Keyboard software
Yoruba and African languages smartphones
Self-study computer applications for accelerating language learning.
MODULE 2: Introductory course to discover the Yoruba language
Yoruba and African culture
Basic alphabet
Structure of sentences and their composition
MODULE 3: Beginners course
Basic vocabulary
The names First names
Word Formations …
MODULE 4 Advanced course
Grammar, verbs, adverbs
Relationship of words
Text studies and dictations
MODULE 5 Refresher course
Time and aspect
Text study and dictation
MODULE 6 Professionalization course
Methodology and script writing
Narrations and tales
Writing cinema scripts.
MODULE 7 Advanced Yoruba Course
Study of literary Yoruba authors
Processes and methods.
MODULE 8: Yoruba course applied to social sciences
Study of Vocabularies specific to management, accounting
marketing, social sciences, communication …
MODULE 9: Yoruba course applied to technological sciences.
Study of the vocabulary of technical words in various fields:
Computing, Electronics, Electricity, Mechanics, bioinformatics….
Module 10: Case study
The training fees per hour is $30.
Pay your fees here
The training fees for one module is $200.
So you earn $100 on the training amount.
Pay your module fees here
Buy your keyboard here